school friend

美 [ˈskuːl frend]英 [ˈskuːl frend]
  • n.校友;同窗;学友

复数: school friends

school friendschool friend


especially BrE学友;同窗;校友
a friend who attends or attended the same school as you

She met up with some of her old (= former) school friends.


also less frequent schoolmate

school friend


  • 1
    N-COUNT 学友;同窗;校友
    A school friend is a friend of yours who is at the same school as you, or who used to be at the same school when you were children.

    His school friends and his teachers visited him and he got loads of presents and cards...


  1. He was in search of an old school friend .


  2. I came across an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning .


  3. I spent the evening with an old school friend .


  4. I want to search out an old school friend .


  5. I was so happy to see my old school friend again .


  6. I came across an old school friend in the street a few days ago .


  7. Our old school friend Nancy !


  8. My father had a school friend , who was a tennis coach , so I went .


  9. After a lot of detective work , I managed to find out where my old school friend was living .


  10. I ran into my old school friend at the supermarket this morning . The Supermarket in Education : " Theory and Practice "


  11. I was just getting off the bus when who should I see but my old school friend Pat grantham !


  12. Where 's the newspaper ? ' Search me , I haven 't seen it . ' I want to search out an old school friend .


  13. A teenage girls life gets turned upside down when a new school friend turns out to be a popstar .


  14. Marc runs Hangover Helpers Party Cleaners with his high school friend , Alex Vere Nichol .


  15. He was driving on Skyline Boulevard in the Santa Cruz Mountains with a high school friend , Tim Brown ,


  16. After dropping out of college , traveling and working , Jobs and high school friend Steve Wozniak formed Apple Computer from Jobs 's parents " garage .


  17. In this scene , he 's trying to convince an old school friend of his , played by Joseph Cotten , to join this thing .


  18. The owner of the store , known as Chen , said Xianghong is a primary school friend of her son who offered to help when the store became understaffed .


  19. I have been going out with a school friend for nearly a year and I think he 's the one - but we are heading off to university at opposite ends of the country .


  20. One day he bumps into - and speedily finds himself in bed with - Haemi ( Jong-seo Jeon ) , a stunning old school friend he doesn 't remember .


  21. She was at her desk , as usual , writing one last letter to an old school friend , a prominent businessman , or a member of the Ancelstierre Moot .


  22. I change the subject to a politician who is more congenial , his old school friend from Eton , Boris Johnson , who is now mayor of London .


  23. Since her modelling career has taken off , it has given her the confidence to start dating , and she enjoys a relationship with former school friend Jordan Saliba , 20 , a manager at TopMan .


  24. A school teacher friend of mine in juried his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body .


  25. A school teacher friend of mine injured his back and had to wear a plaster cast around the upper part of his body .


  26. Where do you go when you want to learn something ? School ? A friend ? A tutor ?


  27. We are good at school , his friend tall , laughing very big sunshine , temper .


  28. The people I know in school like my friend Alex in school , whenever he gets hurt I hug him .


  29. But he must have left very hard to close his eyes , leaving behind his Lida School , his friend , and his students .


  30. I was new to school without a single friend .
